Sunday, February 23, 2020

Human Body Systems Research Post Guidelines

Human Body Systems Research Post Guidelines

                Human Body Systems Research Post Guidelines

1- Title: Include the name of your body system. 
/1 point.

2-Body System Picture: Have a picture of the whole body    system. 

(For example; the whole skeletal and some pictures of it's different bones).
 /2 points

3-Body System Function: Write a statement of body system's job(s).   

/5 points

4-Body System Organs: Include the name and function of each of the major organs of the body system. 

 /5 points

5-Interaction with other Systems: Explain how this system works with other system 
in the body.  
/ 5 points

6- Analogy:

   Analogy Picture:  Include the picture of some person, place or thing that does the same job as the body system.
/1 point.

 Analogy Explanation:
 Explain why the analogy explanation your team choose is like the body system your are writing about.                                                       
 / 10 points

 Bonus: You may increase your points by adding analogies for the organs themselves. However, this only works if they fall with the original analogy.

Check out the video link below to understand what an analogy is:


Sources: Please cite all print and web resources your team will use to research on the chosen human body system.


                                                  Good Luck!

Title: Include the name of the body system