Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Circulatory System



What is Circulation? The movement of blood is called circulation.  

VEINS: The blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.

PULMONARY CIRCULATION: The circulation of blood as it moves through the heart, to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen,and travels back to the heart.

SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION: The circulation of oxygen- rich blood as it travels to all the body tissues and organs.

CORONARY CIRCULATION: The circulation of blood to and from the tissues of the heart.

VALVES:  There are valves in our heart too! They are located between chambers and act like doors that open only one way to let blood flow in or out. The TRICUSPID VALVE opens from the RIGHT ATRIUM into the RIGHT VENTRICLE. The PULMONARY VALVE opens from the RIGHT VENTRICLE letting the blood flow into the PULMONARY ARTERY leading out the heart. 

The HEART is the size of your fist. Your heart pumps blood throughout your body. It is like a muscle. As the muscle contracts, it squeezes blood out and around our body. The heart is a muscle, that is divided in 2 halves, one identical to the other. One half receives blood from our lungs while the other sends blood to travel back to the lungs.

There are WHITE and RED BLOOD CELLS in our body. RED BLOOD CELLS carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide and WHITE BLOOD CELLS help the body fight diseases.  

PLATELETS help blood clot when you have an injury.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood back to the heart.

The Three Independent Systems

  The Circulatory System consists of three independent systems that work together:
  • The heart (Cardiovascular)
  • Lungs (Pulmonary)
  • And arteries, veins, coronary and portal vessels (Systemic)

Our Circulatory System is like roads and highways. The veins and arteries are the roads and the highways. The arteries and veins carry blood and blood cells, are the cars that come and go to only destination: the heart.The heart is the key to this whole system. The arteries come from the heart to the body,and the veins carry blood from the body back to the heart. The veins are the pickup truck, picking up the blood from the body. The arteries are the cars that leave blood in the body.


Oxygen Rich blood
The oxygen rich blood from the lungs enters the left atrium and goes to the left ventricle through a valve. 
The left ventricle pumps blood out through another valve.
The aorta, which is the main artery, branches into smaller arteries that carry blood to all parts of the body.


    Oxygen Poor blood
Veins carry the oxygen poor blood from the head and the body back to the heart. The blood flows into the right atrium.
The blood goes to the right ventricle.
The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs.

The blood leaves carbon dioxide in the lungs and picks up oxygen. Veins from the lungs bring blood carrying oxygen back to the heart.
It is all a cycle! It repeats over and over again!!


By: Wafia, Joude &Hiba

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